अब आपके कार्यक्रम की प्री- प्लानिंग करेगी हमारी टीम, हर पल-हर कदम पर आपके अनुसार | चाहे वह हो-

  • Image 12 | Media सेमिनार
  • Image 12 | मीडिया वर्कशाप
  • Image 12 | प्रेस कान्फ्रेन्स
  • Image 12 | नये प्रोड्क्ट Brands की लॉचिंग
  • Image 12 | उदघाटन / मुहुर्त
  • Image 12 | खेलकूद
  • Image 12 | धार्मिक आयोजन
  • Image 12 | इवेटं मैनेजमन्ट
  • Image 12 | कालेज / स्कूल प्रोग्राम्स
  • Image 12 | वैज्ञानिक सेमिनार / वर्कशाप
एवं आपके समाचारो को संपूर्ण उत्तर प्रदेश, उत्तराखण्ड, पंजाब, हरियाणा, दिल्ली, आदि मे एकसाथ प्रसारित करने मे आपके सहयोगी – मीडिया प्लानर / मीडिया एड्वाइजर के रुप में आपके ब्राण्ड वैल्यू को शिखर तक ले जाने में हर कदम पर पूर्ण सहयोग |

Power of News-

The National Readership Survey (NRS), 2002 says that there are 180 million-adult readers of all publications in India, 70% of them being ‘light’ readers as contrasted from ‘medium and heavy’ ones, and that of these, daily newspapers claim 156 million, NRS also revealed two startling facts: (a) 48% of the readers live in rural areas; and (b) several Indian language papers have achieved dynamic growth e.g., Hindi papers accounting for 43.26% of daily circulation . It is well known that in democratic societies, media is often referred to as the Fourth Estate and placed alongside the Executive, Legislative and Judicial arms of the state, so as to signify its power.


 The media consists of channels (Local & National), daily newspapers, weekly, fortnightly, monthly or quarterly magazines and specialized journals devoted to different disciplines and arts. The second category of print media includes magazines that are primarily meant to provide opportunities for self-expression by academics and other intellectuals.